Openness is instilled in our team’s identity : multicultural and dedicated.

Suzanna Flammarion
Finno-Hungarian, multilingual, has studied ethnology at University of Berkeley California and travelled around the globe working for “Connaissance du Monde”. After 30 years working in press, public relations and event planning, she created the Bokay Relations Presse agency and later conceived in 2007, a new forward-looking structure dedicated to human capital and interpersonal relations for international firms, ArtForce.

Mariette Combarel expert in training and skills for the French Ministry of Education, she has initiated numerous Franco-German cultural exchange projects and is specialized in pedagogical engineering.

Marie Charrier Franco-American, is a media expert and acts as project manager in charge of Co-development technique – Canadian method.

Sanya Hamelin of Serbian culture, handles logistics and brings her competencies in organisation and design expertise.

Pierre Daveze behaviourist, expert in applied neuroscience, is Talent Manager and coach in motivational management.

Our panel of experts
Experts are selected to adapt their expertise with Artforce to create innovative and exclusive content with an emotional intelligence perspective. Their fi eld covers a wide spectrum : social sciences, humanities, arts, military strategy, scientifi c research, economics, social and industrial anthropology…